Frau zeigt auf Weltkugel - Merle Busch

Berufsbildung ohne Grenzen

Wir unterstützen Auszubildende, Gesellen und Betriebe bei einer beruflichen Erfahrung im Ausland.

Du hast Interesse an einem Auslandspraktikum? Wir beantworten dir deine Fragen und vermitteln Kontakte. Ziel ist es, die fachliche, soziale, sprachliche und interkulturelle Kompetenz der Arbeitnehmer und Betriebe im Handwerk zu stärken.

Schau auch gerne auf unserem  Instagram-Kanal vorbei.  

Logos Internationale Bildungsprojekte 12-2021


About us

We are well experienced in the field of international partnerships and mobility projects. We promote and organize learning periods abroad for apprentices, journeymen/-women, master craftsmen/-women, companies and VET staff all over the world.

We are part of the mobility coach project “Training without Borders” (in German: “Berufsbildung ohne Grenzen”). This project is co-funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy. We are committed to Lifelong Learning.

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Our services
  • information regarding cross-border exchange activities
  • international exchange and mobility projects for apprentices, journeymen and master craftsmen/-women
  • fundraising for international VET projects
  • setting up international contacts and partnerships
  • issuing and consulting for the "Europass Mobility"
  • networking

About our Chamber of Skilled Crafts

We are a non-profit making corporation and public law and your competent partner for any matter concerning skilled crafts. Our services include

  • support of skilled crafts
  • mediation in case of legal affairs
  • advice on technical, financial or legal matters
  • high-quality intercompany vocational education including preparatory courses for the master craftsmen examination
  • international projects (as explained in detail above)
  • final exams in initial and further vocational training courses
  • keeping the craft and apprentice register
  • implement marketing activities to generate new apprenticeship contracts
  • cooperation with vocational schools and the local job office
  • organization of competitions in performance for young professionals of skilled crafts crafts

About 29.000 small and medium-sized companies are listed in the craft register. With sixteen counties and about 20.000 sqkm our district is the largest in Northern Germany, surrounded by large capitals like Hamburg, Bremen and Hanover.

Our Vocational Training Centers

We run four vocational training centers in Lüneburg, Stade, Braunschweig and Königslutter. All of them are fully equipped with workshops, seminar rooms, canteens and residential houses. Each year we offer almost 2,000 different courses with nearly 25,000 participants. We are committed to a high standard of education with our quality management, certified by DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.

More information

vocational training centers